myspace codes
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Jul 27, 2007

Phase 1 - Proposal


after - we hope so!!


Project Objective:
  • To provide a nice, proper and comfortable stage that can be used for any school events or occasions.
  • To provide a roofed-stage that can protect the pupils, teachers or any people from bad weather during on-stage events.
  • To renovate and upgrade the original plain stage
  • To provide an enjoyable experience for pupils or local community that perform on the stage.

Project Structure:

1. Discussion over Maxis CyberlinQ 2007 competition with the school authority and cyberkids team. Form the ITeam Cyber and lay out the plan.

2. Meeting again for the budget planning and activities that will be carry out during the project completion. Draw out the plan.

3. Create the CQblog, update daily and register. Hopeful waiting.

Budget Details:

Roof - 25 x RM5 = RM125
Cement - 20 x RM16 = RM320
Wood - 50 x RM8 = RM400
Beruti - 20 x RM7 = RM140
Tiles - 150 x RM1.50 = RM225
Bricks - 100 x RM0.50 = RM50.00
Maxis Banner - = RM70.00
Paint & Brush - = RM78.00
T-shirt - 6 x RM20.00 = RM120

Others - = RM50.00

Total = RM1578

Expected Outcome

We hope that this stage will benefit not only students, teachers and local community as many activities can be carried out there. It also helps to build any person or group confidence during their on-stage performance. It's not only for the support of this coming 50th Merdeka celebration, as we also expect that many upcoming events will be held there as the new merdeka stage will encourage and instill enthusiasm and spirit, an enjoyable experience to any participants and spectators. It might be a simple project yet effective and meaningful and will benefit each and everyone in the neighbourhood.

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